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태국 이산지방(북동부) 소개 본문

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태국 이산지방(북동부) 소개

อารีเอล 아리엘 ariel 2012. 10. 6. 12:52

태국 이산지방(북동부) 소개

    태국인들에게는 이싼(I-San)으로 알려져 있는 북동부지역은 고원지대로 북동쪽으로 매콩강과 라오스국경에 접해있으며 남쪽으로는 캄퓨치아와 접해있는 지역이다. 이지역은 지형적으로 아름다운 숲과 산,국립공원과 완만한 언덕에 있는 논으로 이루어져있으며 이 지역 자체의 아름다운 방언을 가지고있는 주민들, 독특한 맛의 음식, 정답고 흥겨운 민속문화 이외도 반치앙(Ban Chiang)의 경우 5,600여년전에 이 지역에 거주하였던 청동기시대인의 유물 등으로 고고학적으로 매우중요한 곳이다. 또한 석조사원인 쁘라삿힌(Prasat Hin)은 앙코르중심의 크메르제국의 유물로 알려져 있다.

     -카오야이국립공원(Khao Yai National Park): 사라부리의북동쪽.방콕에서 200km 거리에 있는 카오야이 국립공원은 해발 800미터 높이에 54만 에이커의 넓이로 4개의 주에 걸쳐 있으며 이중 제일 높은 봉우리의 높이는 1,351,미터이다. 이곳은 울창한 숲속에서 고산식물,사슴,곰,호랑이,코끼리,꼬뿔새,꿩 등 희귀한 야생동물이 서식하고 있다. 곳곳의 산책로와 10여곳이 있는 급류와 폭포외에도,태국에서 제일 높은 곳에있는 골프코스,편안한 숙박시설 등이 갖추어져 있다.

     -나컨라차시마(Nakhon Ratchasima): 방콕에서 복동쪽으로 259km 거리에 있는  나컨라차시마는 이 산으로 가는 길목으로 이곳에서 북동쪽으로 56km 더가면 이 지방의 자치 수도인 피마이(Phimai)가 나온다.피마이는 캄보디아 이외의 지역에서 11세기에 크메르건축양식에 의해 건축된 몇안되는 석조사원 중의 하나가 있는 곳이다. 이곳은 250~280미터 둘레의 규모로 건축되었으며  앙코르로 가는 길과 연결되어 있다.

     -컨깬(Khon Kaen): 이산에는 또 빼놓을 수 없는 곳 이 방콕에서 450km 떨어진 곳에 있는 대학도시.컨깬으로 유명한 태국의 맛미(Mat Mi)실크의 산지이기도 하다.

     -러이(Loei):러이주에 있는 푸끄라등 국립공원(Phu Kra Dung National Park)은 해발 1,000~1,350미터의 높이 있는 숲이 우겨진 아름다운 고원 지대로 태국에서는 유일하게 때때로 밤의 기온의 거의 영하로 떨어지는 곳이기도하다. 치앙칸(Chiang Khan)에 있는 깽쿳쿠 (KaengKhut Khu)급류와 메콩강을 따라 넝카이(Nongkhai)로 연결되는 그림같은 시치앙마이(Si Chiangmai)도 유명하다.

     -우던타니(Udon Thani):우돈타니의 반치앙(Ban Chiang) 마을에 있는 박물관은 이곳에서 발굴된 청동기 시대의 진귀한 유물들이 소장되어 있다.

     -나컨파놈(Nakhon Phanom): 나컨파놈의 프라탓파놈은 태국의 북동부지역에서 제일 오래된 사당으로 그 첨탑은 9세기에 지어진 것이다.

     -우본라차타니(Ubon Ratchathani):방콕에서 629km 거리에 있는 이곳은 매년 불교와 관련된 촛불축제가 개최되는 곳이며 메콩강 부근의 콩치암(Khong Chiam)에 있는 파템(Pha Taem)은 선사시대에 바위위에 그려진 벽화로 유명하다.

     -야소톤(Yasothon): 야소톤에서는 매년 여름풍면을 기원하는 로케트축제가 개최된다.

     -수린(Surin): 매년 11월에 수린에서는 세계적으로 유명한 코끼리 축제가 개최된다.

     -부리람(Buriram):부리람에는 과거에 앙코르로  가는 길에 있었던 휴양지인 쁘라삿 힌 파놈 룽 (Prasat Hin Phanom Rung)이 아름다운 언덕위에 자리잡고 있다.


      태국의 동부해안은 짜오프라야(Chao Phraya)강 하구로부터 시작하여 수많은 만콰 해변이 캄보디아 국경까지 이르고 있으며 파타야를 비롯하는 많은 해변 휴양지들이 이곳에 자리잡고 있다.

     -파타야(Pattaya):동양최고의 해변휴양지로 알려져 있는 파타야는 절벽으로 가려져있는 만, 야자수로 둘러싸인 해변,수많은 어촌, 아름다운 섬들과 잔잔한 바다 외에도 고무,쌀,풍부한 물고기,과수원,광산 등 많은 자원을 보유하고 있다. 또한 폭포,원시림과 무인도 증이 포함된 아름다운 국립공원들이 자리잡고 있다.

     -방시샌(Bangsaen):방콕에서 제일 가까운 해변휴양지인 방사쌘은 남동쪽으로100km거리에 있다. 야자수가 시원하게 늘어서있는 산책로에는 방쌘의 간 반원형의  해안을 따라 나왔으며 양옆으로 방갈로와 호텔들이 자리잡고  있다.

     -카오키여우야외동물원(Khao Khiao Open Zoo):방프라에서 내륙으로 15km떨어진 곳에 있는 카오키여우야외동물원은 1200에이커 규모의 언덕에자리잡고 있으며 아시아,아프리카 및 유럽의 진귀한 동물들이 살고있다. 특히 울창한 숲에 지어져있는 태국에서 제일 큰 규모의 새장에서는 아시아의 진귀한 새들을 구경할 수 있다.

     -시라차(Si Racha):방프라에서 15분 정도 남쪽으로 내려가면 싱싱한 생선과 톡쏘는 맛의  소스를 맛볼 수 있는 어촌인시라차가 있다.

     -파타야(Pattaya):방콕에서 남동쪽으로 147km 거리에 있는 파타야는 태국 최대의 국제적인 해변휴양지이다.  이곳에서는 모든 종류의 해양스포츠,모터사이클경주를 즐길수 있으며 산호섬관광,다양한 숙박시설과 흥미있는 밤의 여흥을 즐길 수 있다.

     -방사레(Bang Sare)어촌: 방사레에서는 바다낚시를 즐길 수 있는데 새치,고등어,상어  등을 쉽게 낚을 수 있으며 남쪽으로 30분 거리에는 사타힙(Sattahip)이 있다.

     -라영(Rayong): 라용은 방페(Bang Phe)어촌과 좁고 길이가 6km에 달하는 사멧(Samet)섬으로 유명한데 사멧섬은 15개만의 만과 아름다운 해변을 가지고 있으며 산호초와 투명한 바닷물은 수영 뿐 아니라 스노클링,스쿠어다이빙을 즐길 수 있는 최적의 곳이다. 섬 동쪽 해안에서는 낚시를 즐길 수 있다.

     -찬타부리(Chanthaburi):찬타부리는 태국최대의 교회가 있는 곳으로 사파이어광산,풍부한 과일의 산지로 유명하며 매력적인 폭포가 있는 카오킷차쿳(Khao Khitchakut)국립공원과 남톡폴리우Namtok Phliu)국립공원이 있는 곳이다.

     -뜨랏(Trat):캄푸치아와 접하고 있는 뜨랏 주는 52개의 섬으로 이루어져 있으며 태국에서 세번째로 큰 해양국립공원인 코창해양국립공원 (Ko Chang Marine National Park)이 있는 곳이다.


    Burir Ram

    Burir Ram, known as the city of pleasantness, is one of largest and most populated provinces in I-SAN. It has as area of about 10,312,435 square km. In the past it was covered with shady trees and the land was fertile. Even the name "Buri Ram" means the city of  Introduction

    happiness or the city of joy. Its population of 1.6 million people rank sixth among all provinces. Approximately 1.75 million Rai of the area is forest land. The main occupation here is rice farming. The average per capita income is 14,343 baht.

    North - Connects with Khon Kaen and Maha Sarakham.     East - Connents with Surin.    South - Connects with Prachin Buri and the Phanom Malai Mountain Range which divides Thailand and Cambodia.           West - Connects with Nakhon Rachasima.

    Buri Ram's frontier Amphoe (districts) are Amphoe Ban Kruat and Aphoe Lahan Sai, 44 km. From Cambodia.

    Buri Ram Province is divided in to 21 Amphoes and 2 king Amphoes (sub-districts). The distances from Amphoe Muang to other Amphoes are as follow :

    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Ban Kruat 66 kms.                                  Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Ban Mai Chaipot 85 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Chalerm Prakiat 68 kms.                        Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Huai Rat  12 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Khu Muang 33 kms.                               Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Krasang 32 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Lahan Sai 100 kms.                                Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Lamplaimat 32 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Na Pro 78 kms.                                      Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Nang Rong 54 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Non Din Daeng 92 kms.                         Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Non Suwan 40 kms.  
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Nong Hong 60 kms.                               Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Nong Ki 83 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Pa Kham 78 kms.                                   Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Plab Pla Chai 40 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Prakhonchai 44 kms.                             Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Putthaisong 64 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - Amphoe Satuk  40 kms.                                      Amphoe Muang - King Amphoe Ban Dan 15 kms.
    Amphoe Muang - King Amphoe Kan Dong 56 kms.


    Nakhon Phanom

     Nakhon Phanom, once the center of the ancient Sri Kotrabun Kingdom, lies adjacent to the majestic Maekhong River, 735 kms. northeast of Bangkok. The lovely setting of the provincial capital is enhanced by the rugged beauty of the jungled mountains which lie beyond the Laotian town of Thakaek, on the opposite bank of the river. King Rama I selected the name Nakhon Phanom, city of mountains, because of this outstanding geographical feature.

    During the centuries, Lao and other ethnic groups migrated across the Maekhong River and this is reflected in the local dialects, customs and cuisine of Nakhon Phanom. Many unique folk dances, such as the Sri Kotrabun dance, regarded as the symbol of Nakhon Phanom's long history and the Fon Phu Thai, Sek-Ten-Sak and So Tung Bung are performed on special occasions. The custom of extending a generous welcome to guests can be experienced during a Bai-Sri-Su-Kwan ceremony when a potent brew of home-made liquor is usually served.

     There are many ancient religious monuments in Nakhon Phanom. The most highly revered is Pra Thad Phanom in Amphoe Thad Phanom which dates back to the time of the Sri Kotrabun Kingdom.


     Si Sa Ket

    Si Sa Ket was originally called Muang Khu Khan. Archaeologists believe the city dates back to the time of the Khmer empire because of the presence of many Khmer ruins. Legend gas it that Muang Khu Khan used to called Si Nakhon Lamduan and was suited at what is now Ban Prasat Si Liam Dong Lumduan, Tambon Tuan Yai, King Amphoe Wang Hin in the province. The town was upgraded to a city in 1759 when Ayutthaya was Thailand's capital. The first governor was  Lung Kaeo Suwan who was promoted to Phra Krai Phakdi. During the reign of His Majesty King Rama V, Muang Khu Khan was relocated to Muang Si Sa Ket (Ban Muang Kao, Tambon Muang Nua, Amphoe Muang in the present day) but the city still retained the name of Khu Khan until 1938 when it was renamed Si Sa Ket Province.



     Surin is 457 kilometers far from Bangkok by car and 420 kilometers by train, and is 194 kilometers far from Nakhon Ratchasima by car and 170 kilometers by train.     Surin covers a total area of 8,124 square kilometers and is divided into 13 Amphoes (districts), 3 king Amphoes (Sub districts).
    Despite its long historical background. There is so far no precise evidence to prove the origin of Surin Province. It has only been narrated for generations that Surin was built some 2,000 years ago when the ancient Khmer dominated the region. Surin was abandoned after the incline of the Khmer Kingdom. Later in 1763, a village at Ban Muang Thi was moved to Ban Khu Prathai where Surin is presently situated. The village was consequently upgraded to be ' Muang Prathai Saman' and its leader, Luang Surin Phakdi, appointed Phra Surin Phakdi Si Narong Chang Wang, the Governor.

        In 1786 during the reign of King Rama I, Muang Prathai Saman was renamed 'Muang surin' after the title of its Governor.

     North: Roi Et and Maha Sarakham.   South: Cambodia   East:   Si Sa Ket       West:  Buri Ram

    Distance from Surin city of nearby Provinces
    Buri Ram 56 kms.   Maha Sarakham 177 kms.   Roi Et 137 kms.   Si Sa Ket 96 kms.    

    Distance from Surin city to its district
       Buachet 66 kms.  Chom Phra 26 kms.   Chumphon Buri 91 kms.   Kap choeng 58 kms.   Lamduan 24 kms.   Rattanaburi 70 kms.   Samrong Thap 54 kms.   Sangkha 49 kms.   Sikhoraphum 34 kms.   Tha Tum 51 kms.   Phanom Dong Rak Subdistrict 78 kms.   Sri Narong Subdistrict 64 kms.   
       Khaow Sinarin Subdistrict 22 kms.


    Ubon Ratchathani

    Geography: Thailand's eastern most province Ubon Ratchathani is northeast and is bordered to the east by the Maekong River and Laos, and to the south by Cambodia. The provincial capital is some 630 kilometres northeast of Bangkok, and the province covers a strong Buddhist tradition, praticularly forest-dwelling monks, and distinctive folk culture which finds expression in the cuisine, handicrafts and traditional events such as the Candle Festival each July.



        According to historical chronicles of Muang Yasothon, Phra Chao Voravongsa, and his followers in 2340 B.E. were migrating to settle down with the governor of Champasak. Along the way, they stopped at Dong Phi Singh and decided to make their home there as it was found to be an approciate site which was later named Ban Ta Singh or Muang Ta Singh. In 2357 B.E. King Rama II issued an edict to upgrade the settlement into a town. Muang Ta Singh, reporting direct to Bangkok. The rank of Phra Rachavongsa was given to the governor. The town was subsequently elevated into a province under a Revolutionary Order No.70 on February 6,2515. The province was made up of the following districts, Yasothon, Kam Khuan Kaew, Maha Chaichana, Pa Tiew, Lerng Nok Tha and Kud Chum (all formerly in Ubon Ratchathani), and officially came into existence on March 1,215 (1972).

    North Mukdahan,Nakhon Phanom and Roi Et    South Sisaket      East   Ubon Ratchathani       West  Roi Et

    From Yasothon city of nearby Provinces
    - Mukdahan 111 kms.  - Nakhon Phanom 215 kms.    - Roi Et 71 kms.   - Sisaket 159 kms.    - Ubon Ratchathani 98 kms.  

    From Yasothon city to its districts.
    - Kamkhuenkaew 23 kms.   - Korwang 70 kms.   - Kudchum 37 kms.   - Loengnoktha 69 kms.   
    - Mahachaichana 41 kms.   - Patieu 28 kms.        - Saimoon 18 kms   - Thai Charoen 51 kms.



    Geography: Khmer ruins and the The city of various famous statue of Khun Ying Mo named NAKHON RATCHASIMA or commonly known as KHORAT is situated on a plateau, about 259 kilometers northeast of Bangkok. Administration of this province is divided into 26 Amphoes and 6 King Amphoes. The city itself serves as the gateway to the Northeastern Region.

    North : Chaiyaphum, Khon Kaen        South : Prachin Buri, Nakhon Nayok      East   : Buriram     West  : Chaiyaphum, Saraburi and Nakhon Nayok

    The distance between Amphoe Muang and other Amphoes
    Ban Luem                   118 kms.   Chakkarat                     43 kms.   Chum Phuang               97 kms.    Huai Thalaeng               71 kms.   
    Kham Sakee Saeng       47 kms.   Khon Buri                    58 kms.   Nong Boon Nag           51 kms.     Non Sung                     37 kms.
    Pak Chong                   87 kms.   Phimai                         60 kms.    Sikhiu                          49 kms.     Sung Noen                   37 kms.
     Bua Yai                   103 kms.    Chok Chai                31 kms.        Dan Khun Thot         60 kms.        Kang Sanam Nang   130 kms.
    Kham Thalesor         25 kms.      Khong                      97 kms.        Nong Daeng             74 kms.        Non Thai                  29 kms.
    Pak Thong Chai        38 kms.     Prathai                      87 kms.      Soeng Saen               89 kms.        Wang Nam Kheo      79 kms.


    Roi Et

    Roi Et is the province located in the middle part of northeast Thailand, and established over 200 years ago. It used to be a very large and glorious city named Saket Nakhon having 11 city gates and 11 sattellite cities or subordinated communities under its ruling. Since there have been several developments in various aspects continually from the past thus changing it into a strange place where one can hardly trace its original fearures. Introduction

    Roi Et is administratively divided into 17 Amphoes and two King Amphoes: Muang Roi Et, Kaset Wisai, Pathum Rat, Chaturaphak Phiman, Thawat Buri, Phanom Phrai, Phon Thong, Selaphum, Suwannaphum, At Samat, Nong Phok, Muang Suang, Pho Chai, Phon Sai, Moeiwadi, Amphoe Si Somdet ,Amphoe Janghan, King Amphoe Chiang Khuan, "king Amphoe Nong Hee and King Amphoe Tungkao Luang. There are partial areas of four Amphoes located in Kula Ronghai Field, they are Suwannaphum, Kaset Wisai, Pathum Rat, Phon Sai. Roi Et occupies an area of 8,299.50 square kilometers.

    North Kalasin and Mukdahan        South Surin and Sisaket        East Yasothon      West Maha Sarakham

    From Roi Et city of nearby Provinces
    Kalasin 45 kms.     Maha Sarakham 45 kms.     Mukdahan 220 kms.    Sisaket 45 kms    Surin 128 kms.    Yasothon 193 kms.    

      From Roi Et city to its districts.
    At Samat 34 kimeters     Chaturaphak Phiman 26 kms.      Janghan 10 kms.       Kaset Wisai 47 kms.      
    Moeiwadi 76 kms.         Muang Suang 26 kms.                 Nong Phok 73 kms.   Pathum Rat 85 kms.
    Phanom Phrai 64 kms.   Pho Chai 58 kms.                       Phon Tong 46 kms.    Phon Sai 76 kms.
    Selaphum 34 kms.        Si Somdet 25 kms.                     Suwannaphum 50 kms.
    Thawatchaburi 12 kms. King Amphoe Chiang Khuan 16 kms.  King Amphoe Nong Hee 78 kms.           
    King Amphoe Tungkao Luang 26 kms.


    Nong Bua Lamphu  

    Nong Bua Lamphu became the 76 th province of Thailand in 1993. It has an area of 3,859,626 square kilometers. Situated on the northeastern plateau.
    Most of Nong Bua Lamphu is situated on a plateau and the province has large forested areas. There is a long range of mountains in the northeast that level off to the west and to the southwest in Naklang and Sriboonreung Districts making these areas suitable for rice cultivation.

    North Udon Thani Province.     South KhonkaenKhonkaen Province.     East Udon Thani Province.   West Loei Province.

     Distance From Nong Bua Lamphu city of nearby Provinces
    - Chaiyaphum 175 kms.       - Khonkaen 110 kms.         - Loei 102 kms.            - Nong Khai 96 kms.       
    - Udon Thani 46 kms.  Distance From Nong Bua Lamphu city to its districts.    - Na-Klang 48 kms.    
     - Nonsang 50 kms.           - Sriboonrueng 65 kms.      - Suwankhuha 80 kms.       - Na-Wang Subdistrict 50 kms.




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